excerpt from "Le Cinquieme Reve", a book by Patrice Van Eersel
Dr John Lilly:
pionneer of the communication with dolphins, inventor of the sensory deprivation tank, researcher and explorator of the cousciousness states. Author of "The Eye of the Cyclone", quoted here by Patrice Van Eersel.
Patrice Van Eersel :
journalist, author of two essays which became best-sellers in Europe: "Le Cinquième Rêve", and "La Source Noire", scientific et spiritual quests, from NDE (Near Death Experience) .to dolphins.
To start, it is necessary to imagine the
state of total emotional neutrality, when
you are simply present in the world,
attentive, with a clear mind. This is the state in which we
should be when we are in society, when we communicate with
other people, when we teach or when we learn. According to
John Lilly, it is in this state, and that one
only, that we can rationally reprogram our
"biocomputer". |
Center of neutrality around which we are generally moving, almost always shifted a little, either upward or downward. |
+24 |
-24 |
+12 |
-12 |
+ 6 |
- 6 |
Last known levels of the scale of Self, they are almost defying to the words. Self is completely dissolved there: on one side in the pure essence (it is the great Satori, what the dervishes call Fanaa, the dissolution in the Whole), and on the other side in the absolute Ego, the quintessence of negativity and loneliness. |
Human of the Future
The 24 stages of the human evolution, imaginated by Timothy Leary. The 12 first stages are those of the ordinary evolution of every human, and the following 12 stages correspond to our potential evolution and the awakening of our latent faculties...
Spirituality and cosmology
The universe as described by the Bhagavad-Gita, one of the main hindu holy texts.
"The Tao of Surf"
The sense of balance, the inner unity, the harmony with nature, and the meaning of life, these are the messages from the philosophy of Tao and the metaphor of surf.
Dialogs from the TV documentary, with Jacques Mayol, Pierre Mayol, Moebius (Jean Giraud), Joël de Rosnay, Robert Dantzer, Yves Bessas. presentation